Hemianthus callitrichoides ‘Cuba’ or Cuban pearl herb is a reliable ground cover that almost all aquarists know – and appreciate! Those who can offer clean water thanks to weekly partial water changes and sufficient light will soon be able to admire dense, beautiful carpets. This pretty foreground plant also reacts extremely positively to additional CO2. It is one of the most delicate aquarium plants and should be planted in small bunches a few centimetres apart. It also adorns nano tanks and delights small aquarium dwellers who like to take a break under their canopy of leaves.
- Light requirement: medium to intense
- Optimal temperature: 18 to 28°C – very tolerant
- Water values: very soft to hard – tolerant
- pH value: 5.5 to 7.5 – tolerant
- Addition of CO2 and nutrients: highly recommended
- Propagation: cuttings
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