Whole live high quality Artemia (Brine shrimp) that were quickly frozen with a flash-freezer resulting in whole animals and a minimum of nutrient leaching into the aquarium water. – Enriched with the unique combination of Spirulina and garlic. – With highly digestible Spirulina algae to enhance the natural colors of your fish and to stimulate a better growth.
– With fresh garlic to promote health by improving the resistance against parasites while boosting the immune system.
Ingredients:Â Brine shrimp, algae, vegetables.
Recommended For:Â Brackish Water Fish, Nano Reef, Oddballs, Dwarf Cichlids, Angels, Angels – Pygmy Angels, Livebearers, Shrimps, Pipefish, Paradise Fish, Shrimps, Mudskipper, Damsels, South-American Cichlids, Tetra’s, Seahorses, Rainbow Fish, Eels, Angels, Groupers, Danio’s, Mandarins – Cardinals, Hawkfish, Victoria Cichlids, Cichlids, Soft Corals, Razorfish, Invertebrates, Basslets, Mollies, Discus, Gobies, Barbs, Ctenopoma, Discus – Angels, Blennies, Barbs – Tetra’s – Rasbora’s, Surgeonfish, Seahorses – Razorfish, Mandarins, Wrasses, Hard Corals, Tanganyika Cichlids, Crustaceans, Anthias, Gobies – Blennies, Rasbora’s, Crabs, Cardinals, Shrimps – Crayfish – Crabs, Malawi Cichlids, Catfish, Damsels – Anthias, Clownfish, Gourami, Butterflyfish, Killifish, Loaches, Crayfish, Catfish – Loaches – Eels, Guppies, Labyrinthfish, Platies, Basslets – Groupers, Pygmy Angels, Betta’s, Swordtails.
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