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Cardinal Tetra

AED 6.00 (Inclusive of VAT)

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Neon tetras originated from the clear water and blackwater streams and tributaries in the Orinoco and Amazon basin in Brazil, Columbia, and Peru. These are regions of blackwaters beneath dense forest canopies that allow very little light to get through. Neon tetras live in shoals mainly in the middle water layers and feed on worms and small crustaceans.

The neon tetra has a slender torpedo-shaped body that reaches no more than 4cm in length. What this fish lacks in size, it makes up for in colour. From the tip of its nose to the adipose fin, the neon tetra has a bright neon blue stripe. It is believed this bright stripe makes them more readily visible to each other in blackwater conditions.

Like other colourful fish, the bright colors of the neon tetra will fade at night when it is resting, if it becomes alarmed, or when it is ill.

Always keep neon tetras in schools of at least 6 or more.

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